The memory of an injury
lives on for eternity
in the kinaesthetic history
of the body.
The impact of a fall
on instant recall.
A trauma we haul
through all the silt and salinity
of an immortal soul.
The terror of cracks
on the dusky tracks
and rattily brittle slats
bridging lonely cul-de-sacs
in ghosts towns of our pain.
Cracks in our agility.
Our ability to navigate graciously
the treacherous territory
of our vulnerability.
Cracks in our sanity.
Neural pathways tethered inaccurately,
with worn out familial tools and primitive masonry,
weathered by lifetimes of insecurity.
Cracks in our tenacity.
The solidity of our agency
to hold steadfastly to honesty
amidst the ever changing topography
of our collective reality.
And deepest of all,
the cracks in our destiny,
traps laid intricately
by an acrimonious serendipity
loyal to some unfathomable divinity.
Cracks that stole from me
the cartography of security,
the vocabulary of certainty,
leading me hesitantly
and unceremoniously
to the sharp edges
and gnarly faces
of my deepest truth.